Lodwar, Kenya

+254 722 761 550



Amidst ongoing humanitarian challenges faced by vulnerable communities in Kenya, the Danish Refugee Council (DRC), in partnership with APAD, has taken proactive measures to address these issues. Their focus is particularly sharp on emergencies induced by drought. Bolstering these efforts is the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), which provides support to enhance the DRC and APAD’s capacity to effectively address newly identified requirements in regions grappling with the aftermath of drought.

The recent drought in Kenya has left a trail of devastation, significantly impacting livelihoods nationwide. Among the hardest hit are pastoralist communities in arid areas, which depend on livestock for their livelihood. The repercussions have been profound, with extensive livestock losses leading to reduced milk production. This chain reaction has eroded the very economic foundation of these communities. Consequently, this has prompted an urgent call for emergency livelihood support through livestock restocking to address the pressing needs of the affected individuals and families.