About Us
Our Team
Board Members
Our Thematic Areas
Peacebuilding and Governance
Food Security ,Sustainable Livelihoods Development and Animal Welfare
Natural Resource Management ,Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) & Climate Change Adaptation (CCA)
Social protection, Youth and Women Empowerment
Humanitarian, WASH and other Emergencies
Community health (One Health) and Nutrition
Research, Advocacy and Policy Influence
Our Projects
Ongoing Projects
Connecting Cross border Communities for Sustainable Peace in the Karamoja Region (2024-2025)
Enhancing donkey resilience and welfare among the Karamoja communities of the Loima-Moroto corridor.
Strengthening Integrated Peace, Resilience And Disaster Risk Reduction For Cross-Border Communities In The Karamoja Cluster (SPREAD)
Responding To Emerging And Protracted Humanitarian Needs in Turkana West and Lokichogio Sub-County
Completed Projects
Natural Resource Sharing Through Resource Assistance for Resilience
PEACE III, Youth Leadership in Community Cohesion and Advocacy
GIZ-TCF-Kenya Project
GIZ-DRPII-Kenya Project -Flood Based Livelihoods Systems (FBLS) to
Resilience and Economic Growth in the Arid Lands-Improving Resilience
Strengthening of livelihoods assets & improvement of
Loima Pastoralists Resilience Project
Reducing the incidence of Child, Early and Forced Marriage (CEFM) in
Kenya crisis response (Swedish International Development Agency)
Turkana Pastoralists Capacity Strengthening Project
Desert Locust Management in Loima sub county
Turkana Drought Emergency Intervention
Categories :
#Animal Welfare
#Peace Building