Location : Lodwar, Kenya
Our Programs

Food Security, Sustainable Livelihoods Development and Animal Welfare

Turkana County has four main livelihood zones; pastoral-all species (60%), agro pastoral (20%), the riverine of Turkwel and Kerio, fishing (12%) and formal employment/casual waged labor/business (8%). In recent decades, however, as prolonged drought and climate change have impacted environmental resources, pastoralism alone has not been enough to sustain families’ needs. Households have to turn to diversified income sources for economic growth and food security.

WHy donate us

We’re So Much Trusted Charity Fundations

The opportunities around you to shape you, sharpen your gifts, and prepare you to do.

Giving up unhealthy habits such as smoking, drinking sugary soft drinks, or drinking alcohol.

A collection of organizational resources that are geared to accomplish a goals.

WHy donate us

We’re So Much Trusted
Charity Fundations

Give everything of yourself to those you love and if there is anything left, give that too! Most of our popular.

Act of an individual or group freely giving time and labor, often for service many volunteers.

Benefit shall be given for donations made in kind such as donation of clothes, food, etc.