Lodwar, Kenya

+254 722 761 550


Who We Are

Agency for Cross Border Pastoralists Development (APaD) is a Non-Governmental Organization duly registered under the Non-Governmental Organization Board Registration Number: OP.218/051/18-093/11308 with its head office in Lodwar town, Turkana County. The organization implements its programs in pastoralist Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs) in Kenya (with particular focus in Turkana and West Pokot Counties) and along its international borderlines with Uganda, South Sudan and Ethiopia.
In order to contribute in addressing issues plaguing the pastoralist communities within the Karamoja cluster, APaD uses a number of contextualized programmatic approaches and strategies that are underpinned by the following prioritized areas of focus: Inclusive Peacebuilding, Sustainable Livelihood Development and Animal Welfare, Lobby and advocacy for policy influence, Community Resilience to Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Action and Organizational Capacity Strengthening. Our empirical research findings are always informing our programming and intervention strategies in this region.

APaD Kenya’s work is hinged on these key thematic/outcome areas:

  • Sustainable Livelihoods Development
  • (Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
  • Peace, Conflict Management & Governance
  • Disaster Risk Reduction & Climate Change Adaptation (DRR & CCA).
  • Women Empowerment and Gender Equity

In our work, we remain non-sectarian and apolitical. We respect strict political and religious impartiality and operates according to principles of non-discrimination and transparency. We also fully adhere to Core Humanitarian Standards (CHS)

Networks and Collaboration

APaD is an active member of a number of local and regional forums and networks for the purpose of coordination and sharing learning. At local level,  is an active member of the County Steering Group (CSG)
At a regional level, APaD is a member of PELUM-K and various sector-based forums.

Our Theory Of Change

“If we strengthen the capacity of APaD Networks in identified need areas such as; securing rights of the poor and marginalized communities with special emphasis given to women and youth participation through good governance, enhancement of their capacities in peacebuilding, sustainable socio-economic livelihoods, disaster risks mitigation and resilience initiatives, policy influencing and enhance advocacy to access resources. Then there shall an empowered, secure, dignified and resilient community”

Specifically, APaD addresses the continued marginalization of pastoralist communities in the region through advocacy to address inadequate and lack of physical infrastructure and facilities, limited access to social and health services, low levels of public affairs, continuous insecurity, high levels of illiteracy, exploitation of natural resources and depletion of livelihoods.


The main objective of APaD is to promote peace building and conflict resolution; relief of poverty, effective local governance, environmental conservation and food security amongst the pastoralist communities of Turkana County   in Kenya generally and in the cross-border regions of Ethiopia, South Sudan and Northern Uganda.

APaD is an indigenous organization with extensive community linkages and strong partnerships with csos, county governments of turkana and west pokot and the national government. the organization also has strong networks with local authorities and strategic partners supporting cross-border intergovernmental and community engagements in karamoja cluster.

  • Facilitation, strengthening and operationalization of established community-based structures and frameworks for sustainable peacebuilding and development.
  • Promotion of rights and entitlements of the poor and the marginalized especially women
  • Economic empowerment and employment generation
  • Strengthening organizational management